Sunday, January 10, 2010

Less opaque

I hear people all the time talking about being more transparent... I've been thinking a lot about this for one reason or another and have some random thoughts... For me, the thought of being transparent can mean one of two things- neither one being good.
First, being transparent could translate into being invisible. If people can see right through me, that would make me invisible, right? Now, at first, this might sound like a good idea - even a really great idea in some situations- but I think it would get really old. In fact, I know it would. There have been times when I have felt invisible, and in my head could hear myself screaming, "Look at me!! Look at me!!"
Now on the flip side of this whole transparency thing, I think about being 'see-through'. People could see me, but only kinda-sorta. This makes me think of all the times I've tried to be something to please someone else, whether it's who I really am or not. What is seen by others isn't totally clear...and my attempt at 'pleasing' may fall short and seem 'transparent'.
The conclusion I have come to, for myself, is that I want to be less opaque. I'm a pro at keeping the outside looking good and keeping the inside all locked up tight, but that's not who God wants me to be. Having real and authentic relationships, whether with my heavenly Father or with others, demands a level of initmacy only attainable by less-opaqueness on my part. So that's one of my New Years resolutions for 2010. While I appreciate those who are and can be transparent in their relationships, I'm going to work on simply being less-opaque!

1 comment:

kirsten said...

Okay, Wendy, I love this! Great observations about the meanings of "transparency." I will join you on the journey to less-opaque. :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Less opaque

Posted by Wendy Sue at 3:28 PM
I hear people all the time talking about being more transparent... I've been thinking a lot about this for one reason or another and have some random thoughts... For me, the thought of being transparent can mean one of two things- neither one being good.
First, being transparent could translate into being invisible. If people can see right through me, that would make me invisible, right? Now, at first, this might sound like a good idea - even a really great idea in some situations- but I think it would get really old. In fact, I know it would. There have been times when I have felt invisible, and in my head could hear myself screaming, "Look at me!! Look at me!!"
Now on the flip side of this whole transparency thing, I think about being 'see-through'. People could see me, but only kinda-sorta. This makes me think of all the times I've tried to be something to please someone else, whether it's who I really am or not. What is seen by others isn't totally clear...and my attempt at 'pleasing' may fall short and seem 'transparent'.
The conclusion I have come to, for myself, is that I want to be less opaque. I'm a pro at keeping the outside looking good and keeping the inside all locked up tight, but that's not who God wants me to be. Having real and authentic relationships, whether with my heavenly Father or with others, demands a level of initmacy only attainable by less-opaqueness on my part. So that's one of my New Years resolutions for 2010. While I appreciate those who are and can be transparent in their relationships, I'm going to work on simply being less-opaque!

1 comments on "Less opaque"

kirsten on January 11, 2010 at 6:38 PM said...

Okay, Wendy, I love this! Great observations about the meanings of "transparency." I will join you on the journey to less-opaque. :)