Saturday, February 6, 2010

I will NOT be moved...

There's a Natalie Grant song with the title I Will Not Be Moved that has been one of my favs since it came out last year. The chorus goes: I will stumble. I will fall down. But I will not be moved. I will make mistakes. I will face heartache. But I will not be moved. On Christ the solid rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand. I will not be moved...

Of late, this has been my motto: I will NOT be moved, unless it's closer to Him. It's funny how we can be so blind-sided by a situation or circumstance that it takes us off balance...which is exactly where I've been this past week. We had a 'blow' of sorts on Monday. Something we didn't see coming; and, at first, it put me off-balance for a day or two. Thankfully, my Father in heaven knew this was coming and had many other circumstances and 'coincidences' that happened those two days that I wasn't able to stay off-balance. And more importantly, I did NOT move. Now I won't say I have handled it all perfectly...there were tears; there were cries of 'why me'; there were moments of anger and bitterness and fear; there were moments of claws digging in trying to hold on and plan the outcome. But the words of this song kept playing through my mind, I will stumble. I will fall down. But I will NOT be moved...

When I turned to God's word this was the scripture I clung to: I Peter 1:6-7, "6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." Oh that my faith would be proved genuine...and the outcome from this circumstance would honor my Savior. That has become my prayer: that through this, HE would be glorified. Now I don't really like the fact that the verse has words like 'suffer', 'grief', 'trials', 'refined by fire'...those sound painful. But the promise that it would result in 'praise, glory, and honor' for my Savior Christ Jesus...THAT is what I will cling to as I stumble, fall down, make mistakes, or face heartache...I WILL NOT BE MOVED...unless it's CLOSER TO HIM!!!

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

I will NOT be moved...

Posted by Wendy Sue at 11:54 AM
There's a Natalie Grant song with the title I Will Not Be Moved that has been one of my favs since it came out last year. The chorus goes: I will stumble. I will fall down. But I will not be moved. I will make mistakes. I will face heartache. But I will not be moved. On Christ the solid rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand. I will not be moved...

Of late, this has been my motto: I will NOT be moved, unless it's closer to Him. It's funny how we can be so blind-sided by a situation or circumstance that it takes us off balance...which is exactly where I've been this past week. We had a 'blow' of sorts on Monday. Something we didn't see coming; and, at first, it put me off-balance for a day or two. Thankfully, my Father in heaven knew this was coming and had many other circumstances and 'coincidences' that happened those two days that I wasn't able to stay off-balance. And more importantly, I did NOT move. Now I won't say I have handled it all perfectly...there were tears; there were cries of 'why me'; there were moments of anger and bitterness and fear; there were moments of claws digging in trying to hold on and plan the outcome. But the words of this song kept playing through my mind, I will stumble. I will fall down. But I will NOT be moved...

When I turned to God's word this was the scripture I clung to: I Peter 1:6-7, "6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." Oh that my faith would be proved genuine...and the outcome from this circumstance would honor my Savior. That has become my prayer: that through this, HE would be glorified. Now I don't really like the fact that the verse has words like 'suffer', 'grief', 'trials', 'refined by fire'...those sound painful. But the promise that it would result in 'praise, glory, and honor' for my Savior Christ Jesus...THAT is what I will cling to as I stumble, fall down, make mistakes, or face heartache...I WILL NOT BE MOVED...unless it's CLOSER TO HIM!!!

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