Monday, March 15, 2010

Sweet 16!

This past Friday I celebrated my 16th wedding anniversary to my best friend and husband!! We had a fabulous evening with dinner and a movie, and much conversation. I set the 'rules' early that as we talked about the next leg of our marriage that we not go beyond 5 years...Our oldest son enters high school next year so in 5 more years our lives will be very different, and I'm just not quite ready to think about one of my boys being in college and out on his own!

It was awesome to look back and see all that we've been through in our 16 years of marriage, and 17 years together. There were some awesome highs, and some very deep lows...and with God, we have been able to come through all of it! We talked about how we have both changed over the years...mostly for the better (ha), and how we have learned so much about each other and how to communicate. We also agree that the two boys we have been blessed to bring into this world, are the highest high of our life together! What we have learned about ourselves and each other thru THEM is mind-boggling at times! (Suffice it to say, we have a mini-me of each of us!)

I'm amazed at what God has taught me through my husband. I can't imagine my life any different. We always laugh when we talk about how God brought us together; though we know how truly divine our meeting and connecting really was. HE has been the focus of our marriage from day one; and HE is the one who will keep us together for another 16 years and beyond.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Happy anniversary Princess! May you torture, uh, I mean TREASURE each other for another 16!Love ya!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sweet 16!

Posted by Wendy Sue at 1:37 PM
This past Friday I celebrated my 16th wedding anniversary to my best friend and husband!! We had a fabulous evening with dinner and a movie, and much conversation. I set the 'rules' early that as we talked about the next leg of our marriage that we not go beyond 5 years...Our oldest son enters high school next year so in 5 more years our lives will be very different, and I'm just not quite ready to think about one of my boys being in college and out on his own!

It was awesome to look back and see all that we've been through in our 16 years of marriage, and 17 years together. There were some awesome highs, and some very deep lows...and with God, we have been able to come through all of it! We talked about how we have both changed over the years...mostly for the better (ha), and how we have learned so much about each other and how to communicate. We also agree that the two boys we have been blessed to bring into this world, are the highest high of our life together! What we have learned about ourselves and each other thru THEM is mind-boggling at times! (Suffice it to say, we have a mini-me of each of us!)

I'm amazed at what God has taught me through my husband. I can't imagine my life any different. We always laugh when we talk about how God brought us together; though we know how truly divine our meeting and connecting really was. HE has been the focus of our marriage from day one; and HE is the one who will keep us together for another 16 years and beyond.

1 comments on "Sweet 16!"

Miranda on March 16, 2010 at 9:48 AM said...

Happy anniversary Princess! May you torture, uh, I mean TREASURE each other for another 16!Love ya!