Monday, April 19, 2010

He KNOWS the plans...

These past few weeks have been a roller-coaster of circumstances. I have been on my knees and on my face before God asking for His provision, His promise, and His perfect will. I keep reminding myself that He is the SAME God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I have filled my mind with scriptures that reveal His promises to me.

Then last week, I called my BFF in Boise who offered me another comforting reminder that I just had to write about. As we were talking about our futures and current circumstances, we quoted Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for...Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Kathy then says to me, "Yeah, it's not like God is up in heaven fretting over what you are going through! Like HE was surprised that this happened. He isn't freaking out saying, 'Oh no! Now what?!'" We both laughed hysterically because it was a hilarious visual... God pacing back and forth, biting his fingernails, searching through some manual like HE didn't know what was next... He is GOD, and He does know... He knows exactly where I am right now. He knows exactly what my circumstances are. And more importantly, He KNOWS what comes next and when. So, whenever I start to get a little worried and wonder if God is listening and sees what's going on - I just remind myself that NOTHING comes as a surprise to Him! (Thanks, Kathy!)


Miranda said...

Isn't it great how God has us all thinking the same thing at the same time? lol I won't charge you with stealing my post, trust me, I just think it's awesome how we both found comfort in Jeremiah!

Love You girlie!

John Jackson said...

GREAT thing to do...stay in the Word, stay in HIM, and stay close to His people. Believing God for you and through you both. You are HIS treasure.

Kathy McCandless said...

It is so great what God does in our lives. Your post made me cry. I am so thankful to know Him and live in His Favor & Bias. Philippians 4:6,7!!!!! Praise God for His love and care for each of us. I thank the Lord for you and your wisdom Wendy Sue. Hugs!!!!!

Michelle said...

THANK YOU for writing this. I too have had lot's of issues lately, health wise, financial, you name it. As I sat here aimlessly searching for God to speak to me, I stumbled upon your blog. I read the first post, and then the second. Each one was bringing those tears closer and closer to my eyes. Then I came to this one. Jer. 29:11 is "our" scripture, so to speak. Whenever we have prayed and asked God for a word to guide us, to speak to us..this scrip is ALWAYS the one to come up , even in the strangest of way's. So, here I sit again, feeling alone..and then, through you, even it being month's ago that you wrote this, he spoke to me. Thank you for letting God use you to share your feelings no matter how personal they may be. I really needed that tonight :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

He KNOWS the plans...

Posted by Wendy Sue at 1:48 PM
These past few weeks have been a roller-coaster of circumstances. I have been on my knees and on my face before God asking for His provision, His promise, and His perfect will. I keep reminding myself that He is the SAME God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I have filled my mind with scriptures that reveal His promises to me.

Then last week, I called my BFF in Boise who offered me another comforting reminder that I just had to write about. As we were talking about our futures and current circumstances, we quoted Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for...Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Kathy then says to me, "Yeah, it's not like God is up in heaven fretting over what you are going through! Like HE was surprised that this happened. He isn't freaking out saying, 'Oh no! Now what?!'" We both laughed hysterically because it was a hilarious visual... God pacing back and forth, biting his fingernails, searching through some manual like HE didn't know what was next... He is GOD, and He does know... He knows exactly where I am right now. He knows exactly what my circumstances are. And more importantly, He KNOWS what comes next and when. So, whenever I start to get a little worried and wonder if God is listening and sees what's going on - I just remind myself that NOTHING comes as a surprise to Him! (Thanks, Kathy!)

4 comments on "He KNOWS the plans..."

Miranda on April 20, 2010 at 7:52 AM said...

Isn't it great how God has us all thinking the same thing at the same time? lol I won't charge you with stealing my post, trust me, I just think it's awesome how we both found comfort in Jeremiah!

Love You girlie!

John Jackson on April 20, 2010 at 10:18 PM said...

GREAT thing to do...stay in the Word, stay in HIM, and stay close to His people. Believing God for you and through you both. You are HIS treasure.

Kathy McCandless on June 2, 2010 at 3:07 PM said...

It is so great what God does in our lives. Your post made me cry. I am so thankful to know Him and live in His Favor & Bias. Philippians 4:6,7!!!!! Praise God for His love and care for each of us. I thank the Lord for you and your wisdom Wendy Sue. Hugs!!!!!

Michelle on July 25, 2010 at 9:43 PM said...

THANK YOU for writing this. I too have had lot's of issues lately, health wise, financial, you name it. As I sat here aimlessly searching for God to speak to me, I stumbled upon your blog. I read the first post, and then the second. Each one was bringing those tears closer and closer to my eyes. Then I came to this one. Jer. 29:11 is "our" scripture, so to speak. Whenever we have prayed and asked God for a word to guide us, to speak to us..this scrip is ALWAYS the one to come up , even in the strangest of way's. So, here I sit again, feeling alone..and then, through you, even it being month's ago that you wrote this, he spoke to me. Thank you for letting God use you to share your feelings no matter how personal they may be. I really needed that tonight :)